2019 Annual Meeting



American Fisheries Society


Bend, Oregon

March 4-8, 2019

  The 2019 Annual Meeting marks the 55th anniversary of the Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society. The theme of the program is “At the nexus of science and restoration: What do we know?”  The vision of the meeting is to foster an environment to share what we have learned through science and practice about restoration planning and design.
  • Plenary speakers: Dr. John Kitzhaber, Former Oregon Governor, who was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds; Mr. Louie Pitt tribal member and Director of Governmental Affairs for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs who will share his perspective about habitat restoration; Queta Gonzalez, Director of the Center for Diversity & the Environment who will speak to the topic of diversity in fisheries.
  • Two workshop offerings: Aquatic Resources GIS Workshop and; Diversity Equity and Inclusion.
  • Technical Sessions: Large-scale/Long-term Restoration Plan Monitoring; Human Dimensions; Native Fish; Hatchery Research and Innovations; Re-Wilding or Passive Restoration; Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Lampreys; Local Topics- Deschutes; Genetics in Fish Management and many more!
  The 2019 Annual Meeting Program will include: presentations on cutting-edge scientific research, opportunities to share experience and knowledge, networking opportunities to build relationships with colleagues, workshops to help hone your biological, technical and communication skills, technical sessions and posters to entice the mind, trade show vendors presenting the latest tools and technology to answer the hard questions of today, student-mentor events to inspire the next generation, and of course our legendary social events that tie us all together.

Technical Program

Schedule at a Glance

Sessions at a Glance

Annual Meeting Abstracts

Your suggestions and assistance are welcomed and encouraged. Please contact Program Co-Chairs Rebecca Flitcroft (541-750-7346) or Natalie Scheibel (971- 230-8247) for more information.