Abstract Submission-Late

Abstract submission for the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 2017 Annual Meeting is open through December 9, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Please fill in all required fields (denoted by red asterisks *) before submitting an abstract. You should receive an email conformation once you have submitted your abstract.

If you have questions regarding the program for the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting please visit our Technical Sessions page or contact the ORAFSĀ President Elect.

Return to the ORAFS Annual Meeting Homepage

OR AFS Annual Meeting Abstract Submission Form

  • Please fill in all required fields before submitting form. Required fields are denoted by a red asterisks.
  • Presenter Information

  • Co-Author Information

  • If you have more than five co-authors please enter the names of the remaining co-authors in the 'Additional Co-Authors' text box below.
  • Abstract Information

