Hatchery vs. Wild Salmonid Symposium 2015

Hatchery vs. Wild Salmonid Symposium

Research, Management, and Reform in the Pacific Northwest

 Presented by

Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

 Portland, Oregon – January 22-23, 2015

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower

Symposium Purpose: One of the most controversial and hot topics in fisheries biology today is the interaction between hatchery and wild salmon and steelhead. To address and better understand these interactions, fisheries managers and researchers are reevaluating how hatchery programs are managed and if these programs may be contributing to the decline in wild populations. However, hatcheries across the Pacific Northwest continue to play a vital role in producing fish that support recreational, commercial, and tribal harvest and are used to mitigate anthropogenic impacts to fish populations.

As the relationship between hatchery and wild populations becomes better understood, there is a growing need to inform policy makers, resource managers, recreational, tribal, and commercial fishing communities, and the general public on the importance of wild populations, and to define the role that hatcheries play in supporting fisheries. The Hatchery vs. Wild Symposium will convene regional leaders in fisheries management and research to discuss the role of hatcheries and how these facilities can best be used to meet the dual objectives of wild population conservation and fishery harvest.

Documents available from the 2015 Hatchery vs. Wild Symposium:

Symposium Announcement

Symposium Program

Symposium Presentations

Session Presentation Presenter Presentation title and link to presentation
Symposium organizers Welcoming remarks
David L.G. Noakes Keynote address
 1 1 Michael Blouin An analysis of studies of relative reproductive success of early-generation hatchery salmon
3 Daniel Bingham Loss of genetic integrity in hatchery steelhead produced by juvenile-based broodstock and wild integration: conflicts in production and conservation goals
4 Christian Smith Genetic composition of the Warm Springs River Chinook salmon population maintained following eight generations of hatchery production
5 Lance R. Clarke Harvest and straying of two hatchery steelhead lines, one derived from the other by temporally selective broodstock collection
6 Carl Schreck Is juvenile migration phenotype established by recent stimuli or much earlier in life and can they be affected by hatchery practices?
8 Brian Beckman Variations in size, growth and survival of hatchery Columbia River Chinook salmon in the Northern California Current
2 1 Christine Kozfkay The use of hatchery fish to rebuild populations of Snake River Sockeye salmon in the Sawtooth Valley basin, Idaho
2 Peter Galbreath Use of hatchery stocks to reestablish natural populations of Upper Columbia River coho salmon
3 Ewann Berntson Reproductive success and phenotypic selection gradients in hatchery- and natural-origin Chinook salmon in Catherine Creek, Grande Ronde basin (Northeast Oregon)
4 Maureen Hess Supplementation with local, natural-origin broodstock may minimize negative fitness impacts in the wild
5 Tim Hoffnagle Thirty-one years of the Imnaha River Chinook Salmon Supplementation Program: Is supplementation working?
6 Matt Falcy Combining genetics and demographics in a viability model of hatchery-wild systems subject to environmental change
7 Kathryn Kostow A review of ecological risks of salmon and steelhead hatchery programs
8 Chris Tatara Intraspecific competition between hatchery and wild anadromous salmonids: rethinking hatchery practices to reduce ecological interactions
3 1 Gabriel Temple Assessing and containing risks to indigenous fish taxa associated with salmon supplementation and reintroduction programs
2 Jay Hesse Conservation and consumption: Nez Perce Tribe duty and obligation
3 Ed Bowles Oregon’s Coastal Plan: a walk on the wild (and hatchery) side
4 Dave Fast Results after sixteen years of operation of an integrated spring Chinook hatchery on the Yakima River
5 Peter Hassemer The evolution of Idaho’s mitigation hatchery program to conform to conservation and management of wild stocks
4 1 Doug Olson Hatchery reform and our Pacific Region National Fish Hatcheries
2 Case Baldwin The Chief Joseph Hatchery – a new hatchery designed and operated under Hatchery Reform Principles
3 Brent Hall Hatchery vs. Wild? It’s not that simple – legal frameworks, hatchery reform and forgotten promises
4 Brian Missildine Reform measures to minimize risk to wild steelhead populations from our hatchery steelhead programs in Puget Sound


The Hatchery vs. Wild Salmonid Symposium was made possible in part by the generous contributions of these businesses and organizations

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Hatchery-Wild Syposium Announcement Graphic