2017 ORAFS Genetics Theory and Application Workshop


Rapid advancements in technology have propelled genetics to the forefront of fisheries research, providing numerous avenues to enhance our understanding of the aquatic world.  This intermediate workshop gave attendees the chance to learn about some of the cutting edge techniques being applied within the field, and the types of questions they can answer.


Course Materials Available for Download

Instructor Presentation – Genetics 101

Instructor Presentation – Populations: using genetic data to infer population structure

Instructor Presentation – Adaptive genetic variation within and among populations

Download suggested reading material here


About the Instructors

Andrew Black is a postdoctoral research associate at Hatfield Marine Science Center. He has research experience using parentage analysis, conservation genetics, Next Generation Sequencing (ddRAD), and bioinformatics with both freshwater and marine species. Kathleen O’Malley is an Associate Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University.  Her research focuses on investigating how genetic and ecological factors interact to shape life history variation of marine and freshwater organisms.  Marc Johnson is a research biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW).  He applies genetic research to his work assisting with the management and conservation of Oregon’s fish populations, including Willamette River spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead.  Mike Meeuwig is the Program Lead for ODFW’s Native Fish Investigation Program.  His past research includes population genetics, landscape ecology, and population assessment and monitoring techniques.  Patrick DeHaan is a Fisheries Biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  His past work has included using genetic techniques to examine population structure, investigate variation within fish populations, and assess spatial patterns of hybridization between species like Bull Trout and Brook Trout. Taal Levi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at OSU.  He combines empirical data, fieldwork, and quantitative methods to address applied problems ranging from understanding how to assess the spatial extent and ecological consequences of wildlife overexploitation, to fisheries management and population dynamics in a changing climate.
